Are you relying on target-date funds for your retirement savings? While they may seem like a convenient “set it and forget it” solution, the truth is that these popular investment vehicles might not be as safe or effective as you think.
In our comprehensive report, “Target-Date Funds Miss the Mark,” we dive deep into the pitfalls and hidden risks associated with target-date funds. You’ll learn:
What Target-Date Funds Are:
Understand the basic structure and the concept of the “glide path.”
The Illusion of Safety:
Discover why these funds may not be the bomb-proof investment they appear to be, especially during market downturns.
One Size Does Not Fit All:
See why generic, one-size-fits-all solutions can be detrimental to your unique financial situation.
Conflicts of Interest:
Uncover how the management of these funds often leads to higher fees and lower returns for investors.
Real-life Examples:
Learn from case studies showing how target-date funds have underperformed during critical periods.