In the dynamic landscape of financial management, working with industry professionals can be quite valuable in maximizing the likelihood of a secure and stable retirement. Wealth Managers, Accountants, and Estate Planning attorneys bring varied expertise that can increase the likelihood of long-term financial success while providing peace of mind. For “do-it-yourselfers”, these industry experts add value by supplementing your knowledge, adding additional perspective, and enhancing your investment portfolio.

Creating a Plan:

The very first step in making sure that you are headed down the appropriate path is a Financial Plan.

The planning process is a crucial element driving your ability to ultimately achieve financial independence. It is through this exercise that you identify where you are now and what steps are needed to get you to where you need to be. A well-crafted plan clearly lays out your financial situation, evaluates your circumstances, highlights concerns, establishes objectives, and develops a game plan for meeting those objectives.

A skilled Wealth Manager will produce a plan that is tailored to your specific circumstances and is committed to maximizing the likelihood of achieving your unique goals.

Work With Your Wealth Manger to Mitigate Risk:

Wealth Managers should always distinguish themselves by providing meticulous assessments of investors’ risk tolerance and implementing strategies that align with the clients’ objectives. Examining those objectives against the comfort levels of the investor can be a delicate exercise as strategies need to be balanced against the investor’s desire to sleep at night.

Effective risk management involves determining the proper assets allocation consistent with your goals and evaluate the current market climate including an allocation to stocks, bonds, alternatives, and cash that will help to achieve an investors’ longer-term objectives. When appropriate, your strategy might also consider a hedge against future market volatility through various asset allocation or risk management strategies. In addition, one might potentially include protection such as life insurance, disability insurance or long-term care to help stabilize volatility or offset potential risks that fall outside of their investment portfolio. When done correctly, all this can be carried out in tandem to manage market risk, enhance future cashflows, and reduce the impact of age-related risk.

Tax Management and Estate Planning:

The realm of tax planning is intricate and ever evolving. Accountants, equipped with a keen understanding of tax laws, not only prepare and file income tax returns but ensure that their clients are in line with relevant tax laws and regulations. They guide clients through the labyrinth of potential tax pitfalls minimizing tax liabilities and working with the clients to develop a budget and strategy appropriate to that client’s needs. As appropriate they will work with a Wealth Manager to strategically position the client in a way that is most advantageous to their circumstances.

The Wealth Manager will also collaborate with Estate Planners to coordinate the legacy wishes of a client. Estate planning attorneys are responsible for crafting a blueprint for the orderly distribution of assets. By minimizing estate taxes, establishing trusts, and formulating legal structures for asset protection or distribution, these professionals help to ensure that investors’ legacies are preserved and passed on according to their wishes.

Professionals like accountants and estate planning attorneys stay up to date with the latest tax laws, regulations, and legal requirements. They can ensure that your financial and estate plans follow current laws, helping investors avoid legal complications and penalties.

Peace of Mind:

Perhaps one of the most significant advantages of collaborating with professionals is the peace of mind they instill. Knowing that financial affairs are expertly managed, taxes are optimized, and estates are protected, allows investors to focus on their lives with confidence, easing stress and anxiety about the uncertainties of their family’s financial future.


Whether it’s planning for retirement, preserving wealth, or creating a lasting legacy, financial professionals can help you set your long-term goals and make sure you are on track to achieve them. For our client base we suggest a robust yearly review of their financial plan with their dedicated SAM Wealth Manager.  Our Wealth managers are skilled at crafting financial plans and providing investment advice.  They will identify opportunities to improve your plan, collaborate with other trusted advisors (i.e., CPA, estate attorney), and review your plan periodically to keep things on track.

Utilizing these resources will provide you with a better, more robust understanding of your fiscal situation which will allow you to better identify where opportunities and potential pitfalls exist. We believe that working with these subject matter experts will guide you towards a secure and prosperous financial future.



Stansberry Asset Management (“SAM”) is a Registered Investment Advisor with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. File number: 801-107061. Such registration does not imply any level of skill or training. This presentation has been prepared by SAM and is for informational purposes only. Under no circumstances should this report or any information herein be construed as investment advice, or as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities or other financial instruments.

SAM does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.