Portfolio Strategies: Tactical Select

Portfolio Strategies

SAM Tactical Select

background of a greyed chess board. White icon on top of circles and Xs with arrows.

What is Tactical Select?

The Tactical Select strategy offered by Stansberry Asset Management, LLC (“SAM”) combines qualitative judgment with quantitative risk management to achieve growth, capital preservation, and income generation.

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This strategy draws on ideas from across all SAM portfolios. Thus, it blends together three investment objectives: growth, capital preservation, and income generation. SAM actively manages the portfolio to ensure appropriate diversification is met through asset allocation and position sizing. Subject to market conditions, we anticipate the strategy will typically hold around 40 positions.

An additional layer of risk management is implemented by using TradeSmith’s™ suite of portfolio management tools, including their flagship products TradeStops and the Volatility Quotient (VQ). TradeSmith™ seeks to provide hedge fund-level insights powered by sophisticated risk-based algorithms that optimize the investment process.

The Best of Both Worlds

Tactical Select is an optimized blend of SAM’s fundamental, qualitative approach and TradeSmith’s™ proprietary quantitative system.

Only investments that meet our fundamental criteria and stand up to rigorous testing via TradeSmith’s™ suite of tools are selected for this strategy.

We will continue to update the portfolio as we source new investment ideas that are optimal candidates for Tactical Select. We will also diligently monitor TradeSmith’s™ risk metrics and will exit positions that no longer satisfy our strict scoring criteria.

The degree to which we are invested is guided by TradeSmith’s™ assessment of market conditions. We expect to be less invested during unfavorable times. Conversely, we’ll look to be more fully invested when TradeSmith™ has identified that conditions are ripe.

Top 10 Holdings as of 6/30/2024

NVIDIA Corp NVDA 3.74%
Novo Nordisk ADR NVO 3.23%
Meta Platforms Inc META 3.21%
Eli Lilly & Company LLY 3.10%
Kinross Gold Corp KGC 3.01%
Parker-Hannifin Corp PH 2.79%
Domino’s Pizza Inc DPZ 2.53%
Comfort Systems USA Inc FIX 2.48%
Alphabet Inc Class A GOOGL 2.48%
Beacon Roofing Supply Inc BECN 2.47%

Tactical Select… powered by TradeSmith

Company Analysis

Company Analysis

  • Balance Sheet Health
  • Earnings Growth
  • Management & Governance
  • Capital Efficiency
  • Valuation
Industry Analysis

Industry Analysis

  • Competitive Position
  • Regulation
  • Market Structure
  • Disruption Susceptibility
  • Bargaining Power
Quantitative Analysis

Quantitative Analysis

  • Health
  • Trend
  • Sector & Style Strength
  • Timing
  • Relative Strength
Macroeconomic Analysis

Macroeconomic Analysis

    • Economic Growth
    • Interest Rates
    • Labor
    • Trade
    • Inflation